Sunday, September 30, 2007

New bond generation or typical hollywood garbage? - Casino Royale Reviews

I am a James Bond Fan. Having Said that, Ms. Broccoli and Saltzman, You should have listened to the Fans when they resoundingly "No!" to Daniel Craig. However, since the script was typical hollywood GARBAGE, I don't mind the fact that Daniel Craig will sink with this installment of the Bond Series. Overall Grade: D ****SPOILERS****** Do Not Read Below Here if you Don't want to know the storyline. First off, the biggest problem was Paul Haggis' Script. Obviously some viewers were able to ignore sorry plot machinations Such as: Opening Scene: Lackluster Opening. The Opening Scene SHOULD Have been the one where Bond is Chasing the unknown man doing the acrobatics, And then the Opening song AND Then scene where he goes after and kills the MI6 Leak. The opening scene is the setup for the rest of the Bond film. This was a COMPLETE Let Down! The Most Glaring Problem with this story is the fact that Judy Dench Plays 'M'. Since she doesn't appear as M until Goldeneye this is obviously a continuity problem. This also creates a subsequent problem, as Dench's M is the one who recommends Bond to be a Double 0 agent (she says so in this film). Then In Goldeneye, she tells Bond that, "It's no secret Bond, I don't like you. I think you're a relic of the cold war, Chauvanistic, Masogonistic..etc." So then why did she recommend him. Dench Has a line in Casino Royale, where she state's she misses the cold war. Why her 'M' State such a thing if in Goldeneye she didn't like Bond because he was a relic OF the cold war? My third problem with this film is the fact that the whole movie surrounds a card game. Not Just any card game, but the whole movie is set up around this particular card game, hence the name 'Casino Royale'. Fully 1/2 hour to 45 mins is spent developing this tense game of Egos. My First Problem with this is that Bond traditionally Plays Baccarat NOT Texas Hold-em, though at all card Games Bond is the master, So this was a small insignificance. Second problem with this scene is that it just lasted too darn long. Granted it follows in the name of the film, but with the lack of action in this film overall, it would have helped speed up the movie if this scene was reduced. I like to call this the Clock-Watch scene as I kept checking my watch to how long and when this scene would be over. Oh Yeah, and then there's the fact that if I wanted to watch Texas Hold-em I could watch ESPN2! Next, Bond is poisoned by the villain at the card table. He Heads straight to his Astin Martin where he find a defibrulator. Question. He outright stole the Astin Martin from a villain that was killed earlier in the film. Bond contacted headquarters who told him to hook his heart up to the Defibrulator IN THE GLOVE COMPARTMENT. If this was a stolen car that Bond was using, HOW did HQ know there would be a defibulator in the glove compartment? Another problem, the main villain is torturing Bond. The very same villain that beat Bond at cards In Casino Royale, the same villain that has been Bond's worhtwhile adversary throughout the ENTIRE 2 1/2 hours SO FAR! AND THEN, nameless and faceless bad guys who were only briefly mentioned in the beginning of the film break in and shoot the villain, thereby saving both Bond and the girl. CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! We're CHEATED out of a Miraculous Bond Escape and saving of the damsel in distress. UGH! The Plot THINS.. Oh yeah, and then we find out in the next scene these very same unknown shadowy figures let Bond and the girl just walk away because, he was someone that they could trust versus the main villain who they couldn't trust. To me, this appears as if the screen writer had written himself into a corner and couldn't think up a Miraculous Bond-Like escape so he took a cheap way out. Bond ALWAYS kills the villain. By having an unknown entity kill him, they cheated Bond out of that victory (as well as a remarkable and impossible escape and saving of the girl that Bond is known for) and cheated the Audience as well. Shameful to say the least! Also, In about every action oriented scene, Daniel Craig is show with a sheen of perspiration of sweat. It began to get annoying. YES, the average person sweats when active or under extreme pressure, but that is exactly what separates Bond from the Average Agent. Bond NEVER sweats under pressure, it's part of his character to be a cool customer in extreme stressful situations! Originally I actually thought this movie wasn't too bad, not too good mind you, but not too bad. The more I think about it the worse the movie becomes for me. My last point is the fact that practically EVERY BOND Movie ever made has opened in FIRST PLACE at the Box office. BoxOfficeMojo.Com reports that Bond opened at 40 Million for the weekend (Yes this includes the Thursday Night 12am showing for the weekend). Every Bond movie in its opening weekend has grossed over 100 million Domestically. SAD is all I have to say. Oh and Broccoli and Saltzman, Next time listen to the Fans. What's even more pathetic is that an Animated Penguin movie beat James Bond. How does that happen you ask? Because the Producers need to realize that they should have listened to the fans and the film going audiences and hold to story continuity if their going to try something new!

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