Sunday, September 23, 2007

Craig. daniel craig. - Casino Royale Reviews

Oh, this one is Good. Very Good. Yes, yes, so I was one of those patience-less people who had to go watch it the very first day it came out. 6pm screening, no less. Unless you've been hiding under a rock for the past few weeks, you'd have doubtless been inundated by the searing publicity surrounding this latest installment of Bond. He's blond, he's ugly, there are no gadgets, blah, blah, blah. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. And in this case, the pudding turns out to be three-Michelin star cr譥 brul鮠 Casino Royale is, in my opinion, one of the best Bond films ever. A complete departure from invisible cars, decapitating bowler hats and orbiting space stations, Casino Royale is light on over-the-top fantasy and heavy on gritty realism. The plot is actually believable (egad! no Koreans DNA-swapped into Englishmen??), you can see Bond's face in almost every fight scene (latest news: unemployment lines in Hollywood packed with body doubles) and horrors of horrors, Mr Bond bleeds, gets whipped in poker and has his family jewels accosted (cringe. i actually spit out my popcorn.). And how was Daniel Craig, I hear you ask. Amazing. OK, so he's not nearly as suave as Sean Connery or as poster-boy as Pierce Brosnan, but he sure does know how to pack a punch. Craig's Bond is gritty, down to earth, human and makes me want to join a gym (again). Coupled with a disarmingly unexpected penchant for comedic one-liners, Craig is one heck of a James Bond. If there's any weakness to be had, I'd say that it's with the pacing of the film. The middle part does fall flat on occasion. And the finale is.... mildly frustrating. Not my favourite type of ending. It's hard to review this film any further without revealing any spoilers and you wouldn't want that, would you, since I'm sure you're going to watch the film this weekend. But I'll say this much, the film grows on you right from the opening sequence - so don't be late to the cinema.

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