Monday, September 24, 2007

Casino royale (spoiler) - awesome!!! - Casino Royale Reviews

One word... AMAZING. I never saw a more believeable Bond character since the early films of Sean Connery. Casino Royale's Bond is an unrefined, reckless, unpolished, aggressive, injury prone, cold blooded killer. In essence, a raw piece of meat, that as the film goes on and he gains more experience becomes this prime piece of sirloin. It is important to remember that this story is about Bond's first time being a double O agent. This is why the writers took liberties with the opening gun barrel scene, the vodka martini, the Aston Martin, and the infamous "Bond, James Bond". It's a great choice to a very established character. We get to see how Bond becomes Bond with all his famous signatures. Think "Batman Begins", another great film. Casino Royale went deeper with the Bond character and asked, "What kind of man emotionally would it take to be a double O agent and what are the dangers involved in such an exciting career?" Casino Royale's Bond is bruised, bloodied, beaten, stabbed, poisoned and tortured in several occasions. He walks around half the film covered in scabs and scars. He is detached from his feelings and makes a clear statement how he prefers married women because it is less complicated. With no family and friends, he truly is a man alone with nothing to live for, which makes him the perfect candidate for a double O agent. It's one of the best Bond film to come out in decades and ranks in my top 2 or 3 of James Bond films of all time.

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