Tuesday, September 25, 2007

No q, no bond girl, no gadgets, very disappointing - Casino Royale Reviews

This movie is missing too many classic Bond elements. Forget Craig for a moment, he is the least of the problems. There is no Bond girl or tough villainess. The female lead is a frail damsel in distress. There is no "Q" or ultra-cool gadgets. The opening scene is so weak, I didn't realize the movie started. The graphics for the opening credits are retro, which is cool at first; but then it's the same thing over and over. There is a very long slow part in the middle, and the end is predictable. The signature theme music that normally resonates throughout a Bond movie to add that extra edge is not there, either. The most disturbing part is the seemingly intentional attempt to separate this Bond from others. When a bartender asks Bond if he wants his martini shaken or stirred, he responds, "Do I look like I give a damn?" AGH! Can't we at least keep that classic line? Daniel Craig is a fine actor, but he wasn't given the right story, wardrobe, or women to be James Bond; and honestly, he just doesn't look like 007. He is rugged, but we're used to a sleek, debonair, tough-yet-charming and painfully handsome James Bond. We don't get it here. This movie does not feel like a Bond flick. It is basically just another movie, but it happens to have a lead character named James Bond.

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