Monday, October 1, 2007

Sex!!! sex!!! sex!!! - Casino Royale Reviews

?it doesn?t have a lot, but how about a great story, amazing action, thrilling suspense, and some great characters? Yes, and in great abundance! How can you have a Bond movie with out the Bond girl, car chase and gadgets? Simply do a great action espionage thriller which tells you how it all began. Which explains you why the Bond is the way he is, why the 007, and why everything else. It kicks of the fun for years to come, so not only you love all the action (and believe me?, there is plenty of things you?ve never seen), but you love the story. You wanna watch this guy. Since he gets all the thrills of killing, driving and girls, but now you understand how it is all possible. Have you seen the Batman Begins? ?can?t you wait now for another Batman or Superman movie? This is exactly the same thing. Just like with the first and second X-man or L.O.T.R. or first 3 Star Wars. You want more and more since this is the ride of the life time. Bond is not a model with lots of luck and finesses anymore. He?s a killer and all that sense of the word. He is not a Lassie, but rather pisses of British Bulldog on steroids! ?and you get to understand that right from the start of the movie. Do you remember the way Rocky Balboa was boxing at his beginnings? Like he was on the ropes, but wouldn?t quit? The way the Cool Hand Luke was? That is the movie you?re going to see if you choose so with this 007. That and all the fun of the future it brings with it. Forget the Brosnan the world champion in dancing on Ice, here comes the real deal agent! The one who actually delivers all he promises?

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