Saturday, September 29, 2007

Overhyped. you will wish you could forget it. - Casino Royale Reviews

This was a lousy long boring movie. I never fidget at the movies. Here I couldn't help but look around at the rest of the audience. Not surprisingly everyone was bored as me. The action was way over done, it became stupid. Superman looked more gritty and real than this. The actor as Bond was a complete loss. I can't even remember his name, he is that forgettable. I wish we never went to this over hyped, bloated carcass of what had been Bond. The good reviews are completely wrong, so wrong I wonder if they had the same movie we got. My boyfriend was so bored he was watching for mistakes, the guy in the row behind us as well. I was grateful for the distraction. If you're a fan of decent movies do yourself a favor and avoid this one, unless you want to feel like you stuck in a 3 hour church sermon. Because you'll be that aware of the time passing. For the first time I was wondering about the ceiling tiles in the theater, I'm sure they must have some special sound quality. Now if you'll excuse me we have to find Tommy Lee Jones and see about borrowing the MIB flashy thing.

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